
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Collection


Sonic Transformed Collection is a fast-paced kart racing game in which you compete against other players in races full of surprises. Be the first to cross the finish line and show your friends who's the best!

Sonic Transformed

The game introduces many new features, one of which is a dynamic racing environment that changes your vehicle type. Now, you can drive cars, steer boats, and fly planes during just one race! Even though car racing can be similar to what you have seen in the prequel, boat, and plane mechanics may be slight difficult. Enjoy real boating physics and beware of high waves. Move in every direction while flying a plane and perform stunts to boost yourself and dodge obstacles.


Playable characters

You can play as legendary characters known from your favourite games and animated films. All of them has a unique transforming vehicle which can adjust to the environment several times during just one race.

Wide variety of weapons and bonuses

While racing, give your friends a hard time and use weapons such as baseball gloves, swarms of wasps, and freezing snowballs. Collect star tokens which can be spent in slot machines and earn random bonuses that will help you reach the end before everybody else.


Immersive racing maps

You can compete against your pals on 25 different maps. Numerous are entirely new, while four are returning favourites from the previous game. 

System requirements


Memory: 1 GB

Graphics Card: ATI FireMV 2400 PCIe

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo Q6867

File Size: 7 GB

OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8

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